The Art of Enquiry
The Art of Enquiry offers workshops and individual sessions that support and mentor people who want more awareness of what matters to them.
There are many ‘walks’ in life (literally and experientially).
The Art of Enquiry is a way of ‘walking-with’ a question to intuitively discover something new.
It is a framework to facilitate a creative conversation with nature and the Self, either alone or in community.
The Art of Enquiry combines creative expression, nature connection, and spiritual psychology (non-religious) to support people who want a deeper understanding and awareness of their experiences, and of the topics that interest them personally. It is a technique that facilitates a communicative relationship with nature, and with the Self. It works with the rationale of the unconscious mind, of the heart-mind, the gut-mind, the skin-mind, and it does this through drawing attention away from the head toward the senses. Nature becomes a co-collaborator and the process offers deeply valuable insights that can be life-changing.
There are three key services:
Art of Enquiry walks in nature
For anyone who would like to explore something on a group walk. It includes some walking, drawing, talking, and usually last 3hrs. Walk routes are relatively short as we often stop to do the intuitive exercises. Walks are often themed allowing for independent as well as collaborative discoveries. Cost £20 per person in groups of 3-12.
Artist mentoring
For artists looking to reflect more deeply on their process, artwork, to find the language and awareness needed to hone their direction, voice, vision for their work. Sessions can be in small groups, or individual, and studio visits are possible if you live locally. Costs £15-85.
Creative visual research in nature
Group courses that focus on developing your creative response from your enquiry. The day begins with an Art of Enquiry Walk followed by studio work with drawing, painting, writing.
The Art of Enquiry evovled through artist residencies in nature (for example how drawing and nature connection affects relationship to nature and the Self), from hundreds of personal enquiry walks (some blog posts record these here), and through training with Psychology of Vision. All of these use the power of metaphor to ‘see’ the norms and routine thought patterns that have become restrictive and find the bigger picture that has power, that feels true.
Creative expression through drawing, writing, painting, underpins all of this in both revealing something, retelling the stories, and transforming artistic development.
For information, dates of future walks, or to arrange a one-to-one mentoring session, email [email protected]/07834 640707
The Art of Enquiry
Acts of Noticing – tuning the sensory body to notice more.
Creative practice to record your encounters through drawing, writing, assemblage, audio and photography.
Nature Connection exercises to deepen the encountering.
Discover something new in beautiful surroundings.
All enquiries – email: