Sensory Drawing in the Forest – West Sussex

24th – 26th May 2024 | 6.30pm Fri to 3pm Sunday | West Dean College of Arts & Conservation | £306 including course/lunch/refreshments and some materials. Accommodation available.

On this course you will learn to focus different senses to observe more deeply what you encounter and experience in nature, and record these through drawing. Using reflective exercises to identify a theme in your work, you will then develop the drawings to complete a final series of artworks.

Full details here

Art of Enquiry in Collaboration

Arrange a facilitated enquiry session in nature for your group to explore a topic together. The structure can be co-designed to meet your aims with results that will come from the group enquiry, exercises, and discussions. A day in nature gives participants the space to include themselves more and have more to share with the group. Tiffany Robinson will introduce drawing with the senses and interpretation techniques to help you discover profound and meaningful experiences as you journey through nature together. Each person gathers insights relevant and useful to them which makes for powerful discussions with agency to go further.

Contact [email protected] with a brief outline of what you hope to gain and possible dates.